I was out as usual doing my Saturday morning sale-ing, and thank goodness I only had one of the five with me. I was getting bummed, that all of the yard sales stunk. When I was turning around in one neighborhood, I saw this guy sitting on the corner looking for a ride.
There was a small sign that read free.
I could not stop the fast enough. My 7 year old looked at me and said, "that is not going to fit in the car"
I had just purchased two wing back chairs that I had already shoved in the back of the car. My response was "you want to bet?"
As was loading this beast in, I couldn't help but laugh, I feel like I am a circus sometimes. Prego and trying to figure out any way to get this guy in. After a few tries we were set. It took me 20 mins to drive 5 miles, I was afraid he was going to try and make an escape out the back.
Well I kept him simple and was pleased with how well this piece was made.